Hey! I like photography too... but I hv never ever in my life tried to capture a lizard :O creative... indeed! LolzZz.. great photography!esp. the rain drop n branching knowledge one.
am wondering y wud someone capture a lizard so divinely and then i see... ahha its a guy's blog.. :) Nice pictures.. u photograph grand things as well as minute things very well....
Actor. Presenter. Singer.
Thinker. Dreamer. Idealist.
Moody. Sarcastic. Flirt.
Comic book geek & travel enthusiast. A Former Dentist! A closet cartoonist & an avid photographer.
A nomad at heart who cannot live without friends, good food, soul-stirring music & his cell phone. A Buddhist who detests clashes & wars due to religion. A person who communicates best in writing, hence the blog.
Hates hypocrisy & double standards. Has been accused of being insensitive.
What does he notice first in a girl? Eyes of course ! What did you think????
bledi...u askin me howi find time 2 have more than 1 blog? wat eees all dis huh?....nan sense!...
nice pic...but stop chasing lizards n catch a bus come 2 chennai....il take u places 2 click...
i hate lizards btw...i chase them out...oh u mus c me in a mad rush wid the broom runin arnd....
Hey! I like photography too... but I hv never ever in my life tried to capture a lizard :O
creative... indeed!
great photography!esp. the rain drop n branching knowledge one.
best wishes!
Frm a Novice photographer :)
thanx to a frend a i was lead in here..
way to go.. love the lizard tagline.. lol!!
and of course all the best for ur indian idol performances.. hope u make it to the top!!! keep rocking!!
thats a nice pic. whats the chhipkali doing under your table lamp ? and whats that on the end of its tail ?? btw, you sing damn well.. :)
am wondering y wud someone capture a lizard so divinely and then i see... ahha its a guy's blog.. :)
Nice pictures.. u photograph grand things as well as minute things very well....
A perfect combination of intelligence,wit,knowledge,compassion,talent,style,versatility and most impotantly humility!
Hats off to u Meiyang :-) :-)
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