Wednesday, October 29, 2008


In the city of lights, there is no day and there is no night


niyati said...

Awesome pic Chang...

Perfect depiction of the city of seven islands...It's well said:

"An author dies whenever d potery is written"

Its just one pic interpreted in a thousand ways...

Oh by the way,
This is for the multi-talented persona who writes, sings and anchors TV shows these days. We'd heard he was a dentist sometime back!
He rocks the world around wherever he goes.
Do keep writing as little but meaningful set of words make a beautiful difference.. In some way or the other, you inspire people and make this world a better place to be in..
Stay precious and be happy!

Loads of love,
nitu.. ;)

dreamer said...

hi, i like that picture and the subtitle under it really makes sense. i am living in vancouver and here you can see many people roaing around the streets at midnight( or after ),

kkomal said...

There are always two sides of the coin......what u have caputred is the other one......
good to see that eventhough u live on the better one.......this could touch u....!

v should never close our eyes....

simple, plain visiuals remind us a lot about our blessings......

deepika said...

hi chang.. Awesome pics.. well seriously dentist from kims, singer in indian idol, actor in BC.. n now Photographer... Awesome... wish u all d luck.. n hope to c more feather in ur cap..

Good Luck

who am i ?

My photo
Actor. Presenter. Singer. Thinker. Dreamer. Idealist. Moody. Sarcastic. Flirt. Comic book geek & travel enthusiast. A Former Dentist! A closet cartoonist & an avid photographer. A nomad at heart who cannot live without friends, good food, soul-stirring music & his cell phone. A Buddhist who detests clashes & wars due to religion. A person who communicates best in writing, hence the blog. Hates hypocrisy & double standards. Has been accused of being insensitive. What does he notice first in a girl? Eyes of course ! What did you think????